Recent news:
ISSTA 2012 now has a Flickr group. See photos from the conference, or add yourself to the group and contribute your own!
The proceedings are now available to conference attendees.
Hotel registration has been extended to June 24th. Registration information is on the Location information page.

The awardees for the Google ISSTA'12 Diversity Grant have been selected!
About ISSTA:
ISSTA, the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, is the premier ACM conference focusing on research related to software testing and analysis. The conference features the presentation of research papers, three co-located workshops, a co-located industry research event targeting the local medical devices industry, and two keynotes. This year's keynotes will be given by Rance Cleaveland (University of Maryland) and Martin Rinard (MIT).
ISSTA 2012 has accepted 31 papers out of the 108 submissions to its technical track this year. In addition to a rich and diverse technical track, ISSTA's co-located events offer deeper coverage of focused topics.
Co-Located Events
- ETSE: The 2nd Workshop on End-to-end Test Script Engineering
- PADTAD: The 10th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Systems: Testing, Analysis, and Debugging
- WODA: The 10th International Workshop on Dynamic Analysis
- SSS: The 4th University of Minnesota Summer Software Symposium
Register here for ISSTA 2012. Early registration ends June 18, 2012.
Hotel Reservations
Make reservations at the conference hotel at discounted rates. Rate is good until June 24, 2012. More information on the Location information page.